Word Study: Light
Write verses with the word "light" in them. Record what the Lord means by them.
Read books relating to "light" or with the word "light" in the title. Example: Traveling Light by Max Lucado
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. Genesis 1:3
Research different time recorded in the OT when God spoke or in the NT when Jesus spoke and things happened.
Record John 8:12 in your journal. Jesus is the Light of the World. Describe how He is the Light of your world. Record times when you walked in darkness and how the Lord brought you out of that dark time.
More writing exercises using words with the root word "light".
"Don't be so serious, lighten up." Record times in your life when things weren't so serious.
"On a more lighter note." Record times when you felt things were serious, but later you found out it wasn't really that serious after all.
Record Matthew 11:30. Are you burdened with too many problems? What can you do to "lighten your load?"
"Light as a feather." Write about things happening this moment in your life that make you feel as if a load had been removed from your shoulders.
"See the light of day." Write your burdens and concerns down in a prayer journal and thank the Lord for helping you see there is a tomorrow.
"Don't take things so lightly." Record moments when you should have taken things more seriously, but didn't.
"Don't be such a lightweight." Are there times when you should have been more courageous, but wasn't? Record these times and write how things might have turned out if you showed more bravery. Example: opportunity to witness and didn't.
"You are so lighthearted." Do you take things for granted? Do you under react to things? Are you more optimistic than others? Do you accept things easily? Write what it means to be lighthearted.
Sing the song "This Lil Light of Mine." Record how you can make this child's song become a reality in your adult life. Sing the song "I Saw the Light" and record how it makes you feel when singing it.
Research "lighthouses".
Research how life was "before electricity". How did people journal then? Have you ever written in your journal as Abe Lincoln did - by candlelight or lanterns?
Do a word study on the words - enlighten and enlightenment.
The word "light" can be a noun, verb, and adjective. Write 3 sentences using the word "light" in it as the 3 parts of speech.
Do an opposite word study: light/heavy; light/dark.
Do a study of the word "lighter". Relate the word to color, weight, and a flame.
Do a synonym word study: star, beacon, lamp, lantern, torch, candle.
Do a study on what happened when the Lord created night and day.
Follow the light... Record times you were in darkness in your life and you followed the light to Jesus.
If a light bulb was powered by the energy you put off doing the work for the Lord, would that energy be enough to burn a 100 watt bulb? Or only enough to burn a 40 or 60 watt bulb? Or is it just enough to burn a refrigerator bulb? Write about the work you do for the Lord and how you can make it be more powerful.
Write of someone who "lights up your life."
Memorize Psalm 119:105. Write the different paths you have been on in your life. Record the times you walked the path without the Lord and times you walked them with the Lord. Praise the Lord for carrying you on the path of life during those times you were not walking with the Lord.
I hope you enjoyed this light exercise we have done together and have been enlightened by the different prompts relating to the word 'light'.
All you will find here is "prompts". A prompt in journaling terms means - suggestions of things to write. Prompting you with ideas of different ways to motivate you to write. Ideas of ways to inspire you to write. Prompts are different ways to write. Most of all this blog is a way to encourage you to write. Let's get started... IF YOU ARE NEW TO THIS BLOG, CHECK OUT THE ARCHIVES FOR NUMEROUS PROMPTS.
Important Suggestion to my fellow Journalers
If these posts are too long for you to complete, I suggest that you print off the prompt that is of current interest to you and then tape it into your journal for future reference. The prompts are such that you can do it in one sitting or you can break each idea down and use them as separate prompts. There is no set rule on how to use these prompts. They can be used as lessons for your auxiliaries too. Hope you enjoy them and may they glorify the Lord in all the ways you use them. God bless your writing experiences.
Important Note:
Most of these prompts will come from my own thoughts, but there may some that I have found from other people and want to share with you. Some of the prompts may be repeats to some of you who are members of the same online groups I am in, but I will include them for the new journalers out there reading this blog. And sometimes prompts are so good they are worth repeating. You may use a prompt over and over again and reply to it differently each time. I will give credit to prompts I find when I know the person who submitted the prompt or gave it to me by other means. If I find a journaling site that has prompts I will include them too. Thank you for your understanding.